Explore our investment potential, market position, and growth strategy – everything you need to know about investing in KUTUN Automotive.
Driving Innovation, Powering Growth – Invest in KUTUN Automotive

Why invest in KUTUN Automotive?
Quick facts:
Company: KUTUN Ecosystems
Location: Estonia
Stage: Active, Debt free
Sector: Technology company in the automotive and transportation industry
Size: 12 persons
Market size: 150 milj. eur
Opportunity: 972,000 eur
To be sold: 20%
Investment purpose: Accelerate sales, grow sales team, open two target countries, enhance marketing, strengthen operations, invest in product development
Target: 5% market share by 2029 [500 locations]
Strong Market Outlook: The automotive industry is undergoing its most significant transformation yet, driven by stricter environmental regulations, emerging business and distribution models, the rise of electric vehicles, digitalization, and technological innovations.
KUTUN Automotive: Nordic excellence
We, KUTUN Automotive, are an European company specializing in automotive industry applications.
Founded in 2020, the company is headquartered in Estonia.
KUTUN Automotive is owned and managed by enthusiasts with strong background in Automotive-, building-, automation-, and electronic industries.
Our mission: To stay as the number one tool for automotive stakeholders to reduce their energy consumption and CO₂ footprint.
Our Vision: To lead the transformation of the automotive industry by enabling smarter, more efficient, and sustainable solutions through cutting-edge technology.