Achieve an average 39% reduction in building energy consumption!
KUTUN Remap bridges the gap between traditional Building Automation and Dealership Management Systems.

Why DMS matters?

DMS-connected building tech brings utility costs down, reduces emissions and improves your bottom lines
Kutun REMAP: Novel. Intelligent. Adaptive
The automation that keeps your business thriving, is between your HVAC and DMS systems.
Remap uses your dealership management data to automatically adjust and reduce HVAC energy consumption.
Depending on the work schedule and operations, the KUTUN Remap module fetches data from the Dealership Management System, analyzes it, and sends the calculated data to the HVAC so that the speed of the fan drives adjusts to the needs.
What do you gain?
- Fine energy savings compared to historical levels.
- Reduced electricity costs by up to 40 %.
- Reduced heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer up to 30 %.
- Reduced CO2 emissions. Ask for details, but we assure you it’s more than with solar panels.
You will not only save energy, but also improve your HVAC’s reliability and extend the equipment’s lifetime.
Learn more about:
- Compatible with your HVAC and DMS. And NOT limited to specific hardware and software solutions. Also, retrofit, unless you use equipment from the Stone Age.
- Easy 2-step installment: The KUTUN Remap module with a few little sensors, and software to integrate to your HVAC and DMS.
- Remote monitoring directly from your PC regardless of the HVAC automation manufacturer
- Exchange of bi-directional data with real-time monitoring
- Clear protocols to ensure full transparency.

From a clock-controlled to a DMS-adjusted system
- Most HVAC optimizers adjust based on trends [historical data]
- Some HVAC optimizers adjust in real-time.
- Only Remap predicts the future by importing and analyzing data from the Dealer Management Software [Bookings, workload, quality of work]
Easy API integrations
KUTUN Automotive is an official partner of Keyloop Ltd, the world’s leading supplier of Dealership Management Systems for the automotive industry. Keyloop’s software is used by more than 20,000 dealerships in 100 countries.
KUTUN Remap Data points
- DMS – Dealership management system
- Air quality measuring sensors
- Weather forecasts
- The weather for a moment
- Nordpool
- Renewable energy systems
- Local electricity company (flexibility of consumption)