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MOBILE EV Power Station

As easy as it gets - all you need is 400VAC/50Hz electrical connection

Energy storage is increasingly being considered as a solution to enable the charging of electric vehicles in areas with limited grid capacity or in charging stations where a large number of high-speed – 50 kW or more – chargers are to be installed.

Typically, under these conditions, upgrading a regional power grid would be very expensive. At these sites, installing an energy storage to balance the load of the electricity is a great solution.



Dealerships can earn thousand euros per day - by doing nothing

Power bank is a bit smaller than a sea container, and it can generate income for the owner by charging themselves with cheap electricity and selling it back to the grid at the market price.

There is a common perception that it is not possible to optimize the energy savings achieved by installing solar panels, which is wrong. With good timing and the right hardware, multiple benefits can be achieved.

The solution is our mobile charging station for EV’s which also acts as a power bank for the workshop. In addition to storing the energy harvested from renewable sources and optimizing the usage, station monitors the electricity price, and charges itself when the electricity is cheap. Workshop then uses the saved energy during the day when electricity is expensive.

The stations are powerful enough to disconnect the dealership from the grid for an hour or two, providing grid balancing to Elering and cashing in from it, and when workshop isn’t using the saved energy, station sells it back to the grid at the market price. All this is automated.